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    Step out on a farm and learn the true meaning of friendship among the animals. Use a variety of true or false, fill-in-the-blank and multiple choice questions to check comprehension. Sequence events from the story in the order that they happened. Students share their opinions on the lifespan of animals on a farm. Write the vocabulary word from the book next to its meaning. Write the name of the character next to their quote from the novel. Describe how Wilbur tried to make himself look 'radiant'. Predict what Charlotte's 'masterpiece' will be. Describe Templeton's character using examples from the book. Complete a Spider Web Map to list the main ideas of the story. Aligned to your State Standards and written to Bloom's Taxonomy, additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included.

    About the Novel:
    Charlotte's Web is a magical story about childhood, friendship, and loyalty. An eight-year-old girl named Fern saves the life of a newborn piglet named Wilbur and the adventure begins. Soon, Wilbur and the other animals in the barn cellar are a great part of Fern's life. Wilbur notices that everyone in the barn is busy except him. He becomes lonely and sad. A sweet voice comes out of the darkness of the barn cellar and says, I'll be a friend to you. The voice belongs to a small gray spider named Charlotte A. Cavatica. Charlotte turns out to be a wonderful friend. She listens to Wilbur and enjoys his child-like ways. Soon he finds out what might happen to him when the cold weather comes. Charlotte promises to find a way to save his life. Through the wondrous writings in her web, Charlotte does save Wilbur's life. And because he is her true friend, Wilbur saves Charlotte's future.
    • Aligned to your state standards
    • Curriculum based activities
    • Based on Bloom's Taxonomy
    • Written by E. B. White
    • Winner of Newbery Honor
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    Let your heart be warmed by this unlikely tale of friendship and overcoming the odds. Offer a variety of options to review the material, from pre-reading to post-reading activities. Predict what will happen in the story prior to reading the events. Put events in order that they happened when Sophie came up with a plan to stop the giants. Find the synonym that matches the underlined vocabulary word in a sentence. Describe the BFG's movements in the shadows from Sophie's perspective. Students reflect on how the story ends and create their own giant to live in this world. List the characters and ways they were touched by dreams in a Dreamcatcher Graphic Organizer. Aligned to your State Standards and written to Bloom's Taxonomy, additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included.

    About the Novel:
    The BFG is an incredible story about man-eating giants and one girl's plan to stop them for good. Sophie is a young orphan girl living in England. One night she is having a hard time sleeping. Deciding to sneak to the window and look out at the dark streets, Sophie sees something strange. An extremely tall man, sneaking about and looking into the upstairs windows of each home he passes. This man suddenly turns and sees Sophie. Attempting to hide under the covers of her bed, Sophie is quickly snatched up and taken to a strange world called Giant Country. There she meets her captor, the Big Friendly Giant. Sophie soon learns the horrifying truth of what happens every night around the world, and soon comes up with a risky plan to save all humans from the giants.
    • In this State Standards-aligned Literature Kit™, we divide the novel by chapters or sections and feature reading comprehension and vocabulary questions.
    • In every chapter, we include Before You Read and After You Read questions. The Before You Read activities prepare students for reading by setting a purpose for reading. They stimulate background knowledge and experience, and guide students to make connect
    • The After You Read activities check students' comprehension and extend their learning. Students are asked to give thoughtful consideration of the text through creative and evaluative short-answer questions and journal prompts.
    • Also included are writing tasks, graphic organizers, comprehension quiz, test prep, word search, and crossword to further develop students' critical thinking and writing skills, and analysis of the text.
    • About the Novel: The BFG is an incredible story about man-eating giants and one girl's plan to stop them for good. Sophie is a young orphan girl living in England. One night she is having a hard time sleeping. Deciding to sneak to the window and look out
    • All of our content is aligned to your State Standards and are written to Bloom's Taxonomy.
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    Make learning about words fun again with a clever tale about a boy who invents a new word for the dictionary. Our resource is ready-made, saving you time when preparing a lesson plan for this novel. Set a purpose for reading by establishing which vocabulary words students are not familiar with. Show your comprehension of the novel with multiple choice questions. In a journal prompt, use your critical thinking skills to predict what career Nick will have when he grows up. Understand the difference between similes and metaphors by writing your own in a writing task. Share your favorite part of the story by drawing a cartoon strip. Aligned to your State Standards and written to Bloom's Taxonomy, additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included.

    About the Novel:
    Frindle is the story of a clever, time-wasting schemer's innovative plan to create his own word for the dictionary. Ten-year-old Nick Allen has a reputation for developing ingenious plans that distract teachers. For the first time ever, his diversions fail to create the desired results in Mrs. Granger's fifth grade language arts class. Instead of distracting her, he ends up with an extra assignment and oral presentation on how new entries are added to the dictionary. Surprisingly, the boring assignment leads to Nick's most clever idea yet when he decides to create his own new word — frindle. Nick recruits five fellow students to support his efforts in changing the name of pen to frindle. Their insistence on referring to pens as frindles causes a major commotion when Mrs. Granger's passion for vocabulary and strict emphasis on the correct use of language result in a battle of wills that threatens to disrupt the whole school. Their war of words spreads beyond the school resulting in after-school punishments, a home visit from the principal, national publicity, economic opportunities for local businessmen, and, eventually inclusion in the dictionary.
    • In this State Standards-aligned Literature Kit™, we divide the novel by chapters or sections and feature reading comprehension and vocabulary questions.
    • In every chapter, we include Before You Read and After You Read questions. The Before You Read activities prepare students for reading by setting a purpose for reading. They stimulate background knowledge and experience, and guide students to make connect
    • The After You Read activities check students' comprehension and extend their learning. Students are asked to give thoughtful consideration of the text through creative and evaluative short-answer questions and journal prompts.
    • Also included are writing tasks, graphic organizers, comprehension quiz, test prep, word search, and crossword to further develop students' critical thinking and writing skills, and analysis of the text.
    • About the Novel: Frindle is the story of a clever, time-wasting schemer's innovative plan to create his own word for the dictionary. Ten-year-old Nick Allen has a reputation for developing ingenious plans that distract teachers. For the first time ever, h
    • All of our content is aligned to your State Standards and are written to Bloom's Taxonomy.
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    Discover the truth behind the saying, never judge a book by its cover, with this tale about identity. Develop higher-level critical thinking skills with the use of Bloom's Taxonomy. Demonstrate understanding by describing Auggie's experience in the cafeteria on the first day of school. Apply understanding by Interviewing fellow students about what they thought of the novel. Use these reviews along with a blurb of the book to create a new version of the back cover. Analyze details from the text to explain why Auggie changes his mind about going to school. Evaluate the characters by offering explanations to their actions. Aligned to your State Standards, additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included.

    About the Novel:
    Wonder is the heart-warming tale of a young boy's struggle and acceptance through middle school. August Pullman is not like every other kid. He was born with a rare facial deformity. Because of this and his constant trips to the hospital, Auggie was always homeschooled. That's about to change as he enters middle school for the first time. Things start off rocky as the other kids stare at him, avoid touching him, and even bully him. But Auggie perseveres and manages to make some friends. What's more, he actually really enjoys going to school. Slowly, Auggie manages to tear down the walls at his school and becomes just one of the kids. By the end, he has not only survived middle school, but overcome it. Wonder is a story of one boy's identity and showing how normal he truly is.
    • In this State Standards-aligned Literature Kit™, we divide the novel by chapters or sections and feature reading comprehension and vocabulary questions.
    • In every chapter, we include Before You Read and After You Read questions. The Before You Read activities prepare students for reading by setting a purpose for reading. They stimulate background knowledge and experience, and guide students to make connect
    • The After You Read activities check students' comprehension and extend their learning. Students are asked to give thoughtful consideration of the text through creative and evaluative short-answer questions and journal prompts.
    • Also included are writing tasks, graphic organizers, comprehension quiz, test prep, word search, and crossword to further develop students' critical thinking and writing skills, and analysis of the text.
    • About the Novel: Wonder is the heart-warming tale of a young boy's struggle and acceptance through middle school. August Pullman is not like every other kid. He was born with a rare facial deformity. Because of this and his constant trips to the hospital,
    • All of our content is aligned to your State Standards and are written to Bloom's Taxonomy.
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    Run off to Grand Rapids on a humorous adventure filled with interesting characters, all leading to a place to call home. Pose questions that will initiate great conversation and discussion in any classroom. Discuss the concept of perseverance, and determine why it is an important quality to have. Match characters to their statements. Determine the purpose of the author's intentional use of spelling mistakes in the novel. Match vocabulary words to their definitions before using them in a sentence. Students create their own family tree to compare with Bud's. Aligned to your State Standards, additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included.

    About the Novel:
    A touching and humorous story about a ten-year-old boy on the run. Foster child Bud Caldwell leaves Flint, Michigan during the height of the Great Depression in 1936. When Bud eventually arrives in Grand Rapids, he meets Herman Calloway and all the members of the band who welcome him into their lives. As the story comes to a close, we learn that Calloway is Bud's grandfather, and Bud at last has a place to call home. A captivating story told in Bud's point of view, this novel is an excellent read aloud. The historical setting, intriguing cast of characters and themes of racial and societal prejudice, all provide excellent opportunities for teaching, learning and discussion.
    • In this State Standards-aligned Literature Kit™, we divide the novel by chapters or sections and feature reading comprehension and vocabulary questions.
    • In every chapter, we include Before You Read and After You Read questions. The Before You Read activities prepare students for reading by setting a purpose for reading. They stimulate background knowledge and experience, and guide students to make connect
    • The After You Read activities check students' comprehension and extend their learning. Students are asked to give thoughtful consideration of the text through creative and evaluative short-answer questions and journal prompts.
    • Also included are writing tasks, graphic organizers, comprehension quiz, test prep, word search, and crossword to further develop students' critical thinking and writing skills, and analysis of the text.
    • About the Novel: A touching and humorous story about a Ten-year-old boy on the run! Foster child Bud Caldwell, during the height of the Great Depression in 1936 leaves Flint, Michigan on a humorous adventure where he meets many interesting characters. Whe
    • All of our content is aligned to your State Standards and are written to Bloom's Taxonomy.
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    Bring new power and purpose to the study of literature with innovative tools and strategies that deepen students' understanding of literary elements and help them apply that understanding to their reading as well as their writing. Rich, original passages illuminate the intricacies of character, setting, point of view, and theme, and deeply engaging activities framed by inquiry enable students to transfer what they learn to new reading situations as well as to the way they think through problems and live their lives.
    • Facilitates active transfer of what students learn from one reading experience to the next
    • Impacts writing as well as reading
    • Engages students through inquiry
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