Sometimes misbehavior isn't what it seems. Many children come to care with early signs of mental- or behavioral-health issues. Early childhood professionals are often the first to notice that something is different. How Can I Help? is a practical guide that helps educators first identify issues and then create nurturing, safe, and successful learning environments to set up all children for success. Learn how to: • Promote mental health for all children in your care • Identify signs of behavioral-health issues in children and family members • Support children who have specific behavioral-health difficulties • Work with the families of children with behavioral-health challenges - A practical guide that helps educators first identify issues and then create nurturing, safe, and successful learning environment
- Soft Cover
- Social-Emotional guide
- 132 pages
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Every day, 250 children are suspended from school. Many are children of color, deprived of opportunities to experience learning at the same rate and quality as white children. Many families don't feel heard or respected in their child's schools. Don't Look Away: Embracing Anti-Bias Classrooms leads early childhood professionals to explore and address issues of bias, equity, low expectations, and family engagement to ensure culturally responsive experiences. Importantly, this book will challenge you to consider your perceptions and thought processes. - This book explores and address issues of bias, equity, low expectations, and family engagement to ensure culturally responsive experiences
- Soft Cover
- Anti-Bias Education
- 144 pages
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The book that started it all—is completely revised! Why would the Kagans update a classic that has sold nearly half a million copies? The answer: So much has changed! Cooperative Learning today is different. This new book presents today's most successful cooperative learning methods. The Kagans make it easier than ever to boost engagement and achievement. You'll still find all the practical and proven Kagan Structures, including Numbered Heads Together, RoundTable, and Three-Step Interview—direct from the man who invented cooperative learning structures. And there's still plenty of ready-to-do teambuilding and classbuilding activities to make your class click. But in this expanded edition, you will find new step-by-step structures, hundreds of helpful management tips, many more teacher-friendly activities and forms, and up-to-date research on proven methods. You hear how schools have used Kagan Cooperative Learning to boost academics, close the achievement gap, improve student relations, and create a more kind and caring school community. After decades of training and working with hundreds of thousands of teachers, Kagan has refined and perfected the most widely used and respected form of cooperative learning ever. The Kagans make it easy for you to dramatically increase engagement and achievement in your class! - This new book presents today's most successful cooperative learning methods, and makes it easy to boost engagement and achievement
- Many step-by-step structures, hundreds of helpful management tips, many more teacher-friendly activities and forms, and up-to-date research on proven methods
- Kagan Cooperative Learning to boost academics, close the achievement gap, improve student relations, and create a more kind and caring school community
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Sure, you know that children learn best through hands-on explorations. How does that work in a real classroom? With jam-packed days and mounting expectations, you're pressed for time and pushed to follow standards-based curricula. It's no wonder you struggle to incorporate STEAM activities each day. Provoking Curiosity brings new and easy-to-execute STEAM learning experiences that encourage children to think, explore, and wonder. Each exploration builds on core ideas in the STEAM disciplines, develops higher-level thinking skills, and uses readily available materials in early childhood classrooms. Learn how to use STEAM provocations throughout your busy day: • Jump-start the morning • Decompress and reenergize midday • Occupy children who complete assigned classroom work early • Incentivize children to complete a goal • Transition between the busier times of day and planned classroom work times • End the day building children's collaboration and communication skills - STEAM learning experiences that encourage children to think, explore, and wonder
- Soft Cover
- 88 pages
- Play based learning that develops higher-level thinking skills
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This timely book counters the devastatinging effects of racism on children's learning with a focus on revolutionary love. Sharing ways they've overcome personal and professional challenges in their teaching, the authors show readers how to unpack unconscious biases and examine common, but inherently racist practices that make learning difficult or impossible for many children of color. They offer in return practices that affirm and celebrate all students' identities, languages, and cultures- building a community of engaged, valued, and thoughtful learners. You'll find guidelines for selecting diverse children's books, and ways to use those books in reading and writing lessons that help children identify both glaring and veiled forms of racism and take an anti-racist stance. If you want to create a vibrant classroom community that honors the funds of knowledge that children of color and their families bring to school, this is the book for you. - Provides tools for exploring oneself, one's systems, and one's curriculum to gather baseline information to create more inclusive, culturally sensitive environments for children.
- Suggests teaching ideas that can be applied seamlessly and smoothly to the existing reading and writing program
- Offers guidelines for reaching out to families and the community to enhance curriculum
- Speaks to all concerned teachers, regardless of their own cultural background, geographic location, or class make-up
- Authors have worked as classroom teachers, university researchers, and teacher educators
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Engaging families in education not only improves student achievement, but also strengthens families, boosts teacher effectiveness, and builds community. Everyone wins! In this easy-to-use guide, a Harvard-based team uses the latest research to help teachers, administrators, and FACE coordinators design and implement programs wisely and with confidence that all students will benefit. - Provides clear, specific examples of practices that really made a difference, for students, teachers and families
- Shows how engaging families with home-school partnerships improves student learning and development
- Supports teacher morale and effectiveness with ways to develop close relationships with students and families
- Whatever schools are doing now will work better when stakeholders add the research-backed practices identified in this book
- Offers advice for all levels—early childhood through high school
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The Coaching Partnership provides educators with a unique approach to instructional coaching centered on reciprocal accountability for continuous improvement. With this essential resource, teachers, coaches, mentors, and administrators will have the guidance and tools they need to implement a collaborative coaching system—one that will improve instruction and maximize student learning in their schools. This accessible guide also contains real-life vignettes, coaching-in-action videos, ideas for productive partnerships, reflective practice questions, and a planning tool that helps each member of the coaching team reflect, collaborate, and take purposeful, immediate action—all with the goal of creating a learning environment where students thrive.
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With the increase in both parents working outside the home during the last two decades, infants and toddlers are spending more time together in infant/toddler programs and family child-care homes. From Biting to Hugging will give you effective strategies to help you take advantage of this peer time. • Enhance the quality of peer experiences in infant/toddler group settings • Create responsive adult-child relationships and environments • Encourage positive social emotional development and learning • Teach infants and toddlers how to be in healthy, enjoyable relationships • Learn strategies for gently handling challenging behaviors - Enhance the quality of peer experiences in infant/toddler group settings
- Create responsive adult-child relationships and environments
- Encourage positive social emotional development and learning
- Teach infants and toddlers how to be in healthy, enjoyable relationships
- Learn strategies for gently handling challenging behaviors
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Resource books often provide tips and tricks for managing challenging behaviors, but what happens when those tactics don't work? Most teachers give up. Push Past It! brings a raw, real, and at times funny approach to handling challenging behaviors and understanding why most behavior-management strategies don't work. Author Angela Searcy shares real-world examples, proven solutions, and new approaches to overcoming classroom disruptions using her PUSH PAST IT approach. Beyond behavioral-management strategies, Push Past It! will teach you how to: • See children's behavior as communication • Understand what is (and is not) developmentally appropriate behavior • Identify when to seek support • Communicate and listen more effectively • Help children overcome their own challenging behaviors • Take care of yourself too! - Author Angela Searcy shares real-world examples, proven solutions, and new approaches to overcoming classroom disruptions
- Understand what is (and is not) developmentally appropriate behavior
- Identify when to seek support
- Communicate and listen more effectively
- Help children overcome their own challenging behaviors
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Dr. Julia B. Lindsey's evidence-based routines help young readers decode words efficiently so they can spend more energy on comprehending—and enjoying—what they read! Sure to appeal to those following the science of reading, given its emphasis on the English language and how it works (orthography, morphology, etc.). Follows a clear, developmental continuum, from decoding to crack one-syllable words to chunking to crack multisyllabic words. Contextualizes foundational skills by exploring their connections to fluency and comprehension, cultural responsiveness, and joyful learning. Author has worked as a classroom teacher, university researcher, and teacher educator. - Backed by leading research on effectively early reading instruction practices.
- Sure to appeal to those following the science of reading, given its emphasis on the English language and how it works (orthography, morphology, etc.)
- Follows a clear, developmental continuum, from decoding to crack one-syllable words to chunking to crack multisyllabic words
- Contextualizes foundational skills by exploring their connections to fluency and comprehension, cultural responsiveness, and joyful learning.
- Author has worked as a classroom teacher, university researcher, and teacher educator.
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